2023-24 Training Opportunities
Total Management 1
Learn how to make faster, better decisions based on proven principles and ratios for business management. From profit plans and pricing strategies to inventory planning and management techniques, you’ll leave with everything you need to take your business to new levels of performance and profitability.
Parts and Accessories Management
Transform your parts and accessories department into a fine-tuned profit center that manages inventory, sales, and margins. Managers will learn how to sell more parts and accessories by discovering what makes them different. They’ll also dive into buying decisions and profit plans to inventory management and showroom display maximization.
Total Management 2: Next Level Leadership
Develop a strong, growing culture and a high-performance team. Learn how to assess your own leadership style and apply your strengths to leadership approaches. You’ll also learn more about creating better job descriptions, how to “right-size” your dealership, and how to develop a performance-based culture.
Service Writing
Give key service personnel the confidence and skills to improve scheduling, information flow, and selling processes. Service writers will learn how to improve customer communication, time management, and how to sell service with a proven selling process.
Service Management
Bring your sense of adventure to the service department as we help you keep the customers you worked hard to get. Service Management teaches you how to maximize profits by mastering Collect-able™ Efficiency, labor rates, and expenses. From department structuring and pay plans to time management and estimation, managers will leave with a complete toolkit for transforming their service department.
Leading for Success and Satisfaction
Learn the foundational aspects of leadership and explore advanced coaching tools to reach greater satisfaction and higher performance. You’ll learn more about yourself and how to diagnose and adapt to different situations as well as how to lead clearly and improve your team.
Ongoing Opportunities
Powersports 20 Group
Learn why 20 group members see their peers as their personal board of directors. With non-competing, like-minded dealership leaders, you’ll work through challenges and learn best practices that can be applied to your own operation. Our 20 group members also receive in-depth analysis on their monthly, consolidated financial reports to find opportunities and solve issues.
On-Site Development
The best way to ensure that your investment in better systems, processes, and practices leads to positive results is to make sure you and your front-line employees are on the same page. On-Site Development from NCM uses an on-site assessment of your dealership to design implementation training exclusively for the strengths and weaknesses of your team.