True® Online Reporting

NCM’s True is a online, real-time tool that goes beyond just raw numbers. The 24-hour, interactive dashboard provides true measures of your business. In a competitive and unpredictable playing field, knowing your dealership’s red, yellow and green flags isn’t an option. It’s a necessity.

True* can:

  • Show you where your company’s red, yellow and green flags are.
  • Give you deviation reports comparing your actual results to your budget plan.
  • Compare your current numbers to last year’s.
  • Interact with you 24 hours a day with easy-to-understand data.
  • Forecast your forward performance.
  • Provide you with strategies to improve your business’s performance.

Participating businesses can choose to simply provide a monthly report of 25 key indicators, or more in-depth financial transmittals. In return you get online anytime access to five dashboards:

  • Total company Dashboard (see above)
  • Sales and available income summary by department
  • Sales and available income details for each department
  • Expenses summary dashboard
  • Projections graphic

If you want to start getting true for your business, add it to your cart today! (True* is complimentary for all NCM 20 Group members and Management Link participants.)

MRAA Discounts True* Setup Fees!

Marine dealers who are a member of the Marine Retailers Associations of the Americas are eligible for a 50% discount on their True* setup fee.

Monthly Pricing

NCM True* requires an annual subscription, paid quarterly in advance by credit card on file.

  • One-time Setup Fee:  $1,195
  • True* Dashboards Only:  $195
  • True* Dashboards plus posted-online Management Link™ report:  $235
  • True* Dashboards plus Multi-Location Management Reporting (2 locs):  $210 per location
  • True* Dashboards plus Multi-Location Management Reporting (3 locs):  $185 per location
  • True* Dashboards plus Multi-Location Management Reporting (4 locs):  $160 per location
  • True* Dashboards plus Multi-Location Management Reporting (5 locs):  $135 per location
  • True* Dashboards plus Multi-Location Management Reporting (6-10 locs):  $115 per location
  • True* Dashboards plus Multi-Location Management Reporting (11+ locs):  $95 per location
  • Add a printed copy of your Management Link or Multi-Location reporting, shipped to you each month:  $20 per copy per month
Monthly Pricing – NCM 20 Group or Management Link Subscribers

NCM True* requires an annual subscription, paid quarterly in advance by credit card on file.

  • True* Dashboards Only:  (included)
  • True* Dashboards plus posted-online Management Link™ report:  $95
  • True* Dashboards plus Multi-Location Management Reporting (2-5 locs):  $75 per location
  • True* Dashboards plus Multi-Location Management Reporting (6-10 locs):  $55 per location
  • True* Dashboards plus Multi-Location Management Reporting (11+ locs):  $35 per location
    • Note:  Current subscriptions are eligible for True* at no additional cost as configured; current subscriptions are also eligible for Multi-Location Reporting at no additional cost as configured with additional locations (not already in their own slots) at $95 each, subject to minimum one-location fee
  • Add a printed copy of your Management Link or Multi-Location reporting, shipped to you each month:  $20 per copy per month

Link to Electronic Information Distribution Agreement
