Management Link™

We can help you find issues and opportunities.

  • Make better decisions based on an enhanced ability to get the financial data you need
  • Create a realistic and detailed annual profit plan from key questions and professional guidance
  • Improve your understanding of financial statements so you can manage from a goal-driven plan
  • Make daily decisions with confidence by working from a monthly action plan that focuses on key issues
  • Receive outside support as your business progresses, even when events cause you to deviate from your plans

Management Link™ will help you reinterpret what your income statement is telling you by reviewing your statement and advising you on changes we recommend for your chart of accounts and/or accounting procedures. Our goal is to help you create an annual profit plan for your company and identify your specific financial goals and objectives for the next year.

Click the Approach link at the top of this page for more details.


After we help you install our proprietary software program, you’ll receive a monthly Management Link report that clearly identifies your gross margins, key expense ratios, inventory levels, Collect-able™ Efficiency, and other critical measurements by company, department, and each activity area.

Our staff flags your report with specific instructions and comments, including:

  • Red Flags: Areas requiring immediate attention because you fall significantly short of projections or deviate substantially from industry benchmarks
  • Yellow Flags: Areas you need to manage before they slip into the red zone
  • Green Flags: Outstanding numbers, places where you’re out-performing your projections and/or others in the industry

We hold a monthly conference call with you and employees of your choosing to review your results, measure them against your plan and previous months’ progress, and plan for the next month. After a few years using Management Link, you’ll receive multi-year comparisons to help track longer-term progress.


  • Chart of Account Builder
  • Budget Builder
  • Profit Planner Express (One year)
  • Monthly analysis of your actual financial results
  • Monthly review, action plan and conference call
  • Industry benchmarking and comparison
  • Year-to-year comparisons and trends
  • Toll–free support

photo of Todd Kunau

Todd Kunau

If you don’t know if the changes that you’re making in the company are having a positive or a negative effect, how do you know to do more of it or less of it? ... My degree is in economics and I just don’t know how you can sleep at night if you don’t have your arms around this stuff.